A Property for Sale
in Drome South France

Its geographical situation: The Property is in a bosky bower, in the heart of the Rhone-Alps Area: the 2nd economic and cultural Area of France.

.By the TGV: PARIS is at 2 H 30 and MARSEILLES at 1 H 30. - The Railway station of the TGV is at 15 minutes.
..By the A7 MOTORWAYS: - > the AIRPORT of LYON/Saint-Exupéry is at 1 H 30.
.By the trunk roads: Ski resorts of Drome and Vercors in 1 hour; and the ALPS between 2 and 3 H.

Geographical situation

1979: after one year of work, entirely restored and since unceasingly improved, as well inside as outside - in particular: roofs (900 m² approx.) completely remade.

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. Centenary Master House, standard architecture from the Dauphine or country house, frontage with large stones.
. Connected to Internet by the Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) + 11 telephone catches.
. 1st line is used for Tel. Fax/answer machine; 6 T.V. catches + parabolic satellite anenna with double heads, and equipped with a satellite Receivers satellites pointed on ASTRA 19,2° east and HOTBIRD 13° east.
. 2nd telephone line in addition to the ADSL., used with 3 other telephones.
. The Stones of the Frontage and the Perron were waterproofed with Sica; and shutters oiled.
. All suppressor frames, beams and floors are treated with beast eliminators. The beams, were moreover injected under pressure.
. The 3 buildings are in the center of 3 meadows which is isolate from the vicinity and the road. They can be separate into 3, by removable barriers on hinges: for the horses.

These buildings form “U” delimiting a Court, enclosed by old grids and with a motorized gate controlled with a radio remote.

External dimensions “on the ground” - “Overall” - of the 3 buildings
(thickness of walls from 40 to 60 cm):
They roughly determine “the mass built” to approximately = 1.700 m² according to detail :
- Width house: 6 m, 20 X 25 m = 155 m² on the ground on 3 levels = 465 m²
- Dependence of left: hangar and garages, vis-a-vis the West: 25 m X 8 m = 200 m²
- Dependence of right-hand side: stables (of which a part a stage “Hayloft has”)
- Outside, vis-a-vis the East: 31 m X 9 m = 279 m² out of 2 levels = 558 m²
“Total Mass” = 1.220 m² to which the thickness of the walls is added (from 40 to 60 cm) retained 0.40 X 1.220 = 480 m²
That is to say: 465 + 200 + 558 + 480 = 1700 m ²
+ Roofs of the 3 buildings: approximately 900 m²

Cadrastal map

On this cadrastal map, the n° 36, 37 and 158 make the property.

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Ground surface: 1 hectare, grass, closed quickset hedges backed up with gird.

Road side: a 2nd motorized gate, with digicode, videophone, bell and remote controls, + 2 remote controls from the house, - remade in April 2007 -, including : 2 monitors/screens with 2 intercoms and 2 electronic remote controls of this external gate: one with the rez-of-fitted and the other on the 1st floor.

-> An independent electrical power box in the house connect: ringings and lights in front of the swimming pool, gate and the telephone: in the north meadows other side of this road.

-> Forty centenaries trees, in ten various diversity: of which inserted Limes of Yews of the interior alley carrying out of the road to the court, on 70 meters.

-> About thirty other thirty year trees; 300 meters approx. of Lorraine hedges of privets/and as many Boxwood: halt refuge and of nesting for the birds and sparrows.

the Master house

1/.- The House, about 400 m² livable, is the central part: at the central of “U”.
Living room/Reception 90 m², bureau, equipped kitchen and tiled walls + conservatory, boiler room-linen room, hollow, 7 bedrooms , 2 bathrooms, et 2 washroms, 5 w.c., cellar, workshop of artist or gaming room, room of table tennis, garages 4 cars, 2 stables and 3 independent boxes, swimming pool with sliding and motorized covers: to put the swimming pool open-air, solar heating system, Ppool house with w.c. + hand-wash basin….

-> More DETAILS:

A/.- Ground floor: Old heavy Door made with oak and wrought iron on glazing cathedral. Perron on 2 steps, out of stone; surmounted of large and beautiful old marchioness in reinforced hammered panes.

Livingroom: 90 m² with Wood chimney and Furnace in the scheme of work out of ceramics on stone of lava. Decorative porcelain mural fountain of Giens.

Office room : with bar of dance and its mirror in foot; and a basin enamelled on piece of furniture arrangement

Equipped kitchen : white tiled walls. The decorated squares, of Artist of the Art schools, are single: It is flanked of a “RESERVE” with shelves with hooks for battery cooks, and food storage.

Boiler room - Linen room : where takes the staircase of access to the “CELLAR” with the shelves with WINE: ideal for preserve.

B/.- 1st STAGE : kept by the ground floor with a wrought iron door with worked wood moucharabieh Indian. Parquet floors and staircases vitrified in 1999.

A corridor serves the 5 rooms, and the 2 water rooms with W.C., at each end.
-> The central room (CH 3) is connected to a parabola ; it has its independent bathroom.
-> These 3 water rooms and bath have a recent ground in mosaic of Spain: camaieu of blue made to measure; and 3 decorative basins enamelled on pieces of furniture arrangements.

-> This stage also reaches a part in “L” approx. 90 m² (Files) with the superb apparent frames, panelled on glass wool.

-> This part is equipped with a staircase independent input/output towards the court.

-> It would make a pretty structurally separate building: connections of the central heating and medical were envisaged.

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C/.- 2nd STAGE : Plain unbleached fitted carpet - total surface approximately 90 m² - beautiful apparent frame, panelled on glass wool. The parts in parquet floor are vitrified.

Large Central Part: Workshop of artist… or Gaming room, flanked of 2 side rooms and S.D.B. complete:

bathroom with double entries : bathroom, wash-hand basin, bidet, W.C., convenient. (its 2nd door gives on the central room this power station).

2/.- DEPENDENCES : are the 2 side branches of “U” : Perfect for horses and/or creation of lodgings or apartments.

2.1. The left side building :

At the ground floor : stables - great central part + 3 boxings independent with doors and automatic drinking-troughes + traditional interior feeding trough in masonry.

In the prolongation: one second stable independent, surmounted by a door of the Hayloft to supply the rack and its manger. Interior feeding trough in masonry.

On the 1st floor: the Hayloft: over the entire length of the building, with beautiful solid frames old connect, and openings of food towards the racks or mangers of ground floor.

2.2. The right side building :

At the ground floor : Large hangar frames connect panelled on glass wool = 2 Garages; prolonged of a room in “L” of workshop and 2 other garages + tractor and its trailer.

On the 1st floor : a room of Files of 90 m2, in “L”, with superb the strong frame, panelled on glass wool.

A large window with 3 sliding opens over all the width of a balcony with sight on the garden and the trees of the Court. This part in “L” is equipped with an external staircase towards the court. It would make an adorable structurally separate building: connections Central heating and Medical were envisaged.

2.3. outside : with a Greenhouse out of glass and aluminum with sliding door ; and one 2nd small Country cottage, enlightened.

3/.- COVERED AND Heated SWIMMING POOL of 8 m X 4 m (45 m3): in pre north. Its abrit TELESCOPIC Motorized HIGH by solar panel: 2 sliding doors with safety lock. It is folded up entirely on the back beach to put the open-air swimming pool.

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Covered and heated swimming pool

-> Petit chalet «pool-house»: attenant avec lumière, sanitaires, rayonnage, patères et banc en bois d’Afrique.

L’Eau du puits: de la Cour alimente la piscine, son chauffage et la douche solaires, le chalet, les arrosages, et les écuries.

Filtration: Filtre à diatomées surdimensionnée (pour 125 m3) , programmable par horloge jour/nuit.

-> Chauffage « solaire » de l’ Eau :

-a). du Bassin (vanne 3 voies motorisée avec sondes extérieure et sur le retour)

-b). et de la Douche.

Dans le bassin : a) une « Nage à contre-courant » par pompe surpuissante.

b) Projecteur immergé.

Plages: Dalles 50 x 50 cm en pierre blonde reconstituée, tout autour ; et suffisamment longues pour replier totalement l’abri hors du bassin.

Robot électrique autonome : à déplacement électronique automatique. Il est programmable avec arrêt automatique en électricité nocturne à mi-tarif.

Enrouleur inox télescopique sur roues : à bâche à bulles pour l’hiver, déroulable sur le bassin.

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Pré nord avec la piscine

Pré nord avec la piscine

4/.- TROIS PUITS et un haut support d’éolienne:

-> Le 1er de la cour est le seul en service avec surpresseur. Cette eau est aussi utilisée pour l’arrosage et la Fontaine à jet d’eau et poissons de la Cour.

-> Le 2ème, dans la cour, est surmonté d’une ancienne éolienne, haute de 12 m., sur support métallique en forme de Tour Eiffel.

-> Ce support, d’une douzaine de mètres de hauteur, traité anti-rouille, permettrait l’installation d’une nouvelle éolienne fournissant une partie de l’électricité.

-> 3rd is in the pre one Is, in front of a rectangular traditional feeding trough in masonry.


Central heating Fuel : remakes completely. Radiators cast iron, of which with thermostatic tap. Possible important Fuel storage :

a) - buried: 1 tank of 10.000 L + 1 tank of 5.000 L -

b) - on the ground: 2 tanks 1.000 L + 1 tank 500 L ; 5 jerry cans

Domestic hot water : 3 electric water-heaters of 200 liters each one with automatic impulse while power night with 50%, by E.D.F.

New automatic water softener (valve “with real volume” and not by 12 Midnight) on the water of city: (less expensive, because Forage (S) of the Inter-commune Trade union of 13 Communes).

Contract E.D.F. “Tempo”, with current “of night” to 50%. It adds up 6 sliding scale tariffs with black box warning signal.

Remade electric installations (… including in the dependences ).

Doubling of the walls by brick party-walls foundations of concrete on the 3 Levels, with and 2nd partition glass wool of insulation: on all the external walls.

Roofs : toutes refaites en 1990; tuiles neuves – y compris pour les Dépendances;

New windows double glazing on the 3 levels: + with film anti-aggression at the ground floor

-> ALARM with multiple controls of the interior on 2 levels; barreaudage of the windows and carries metal to the back.

-> Nota: Studied protection of the Property.

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5/.- « TREES » :

a) Centenaries : 15 Limes, 22 Yews, 2 Plane trees, 1 Chestnut tree, 1 Tamaris, 4 Hedges of Boxwood on approx. 300 meters: halt refuge and of nesting for the birds and sparrows.

1 Cedar of Lebanon: Bi or tercentenary.

b) Thirty year trees : ten Fir trees: blue, of Austria and the Vosges, 1 Pine, 3 Birches, 2 Willows, 1 Magniolia dwarf crimson,

1 Olivier, 1 Poplar, 1 Prunus, 1 Chèvrefeuille, 1 Cypress, 2 False maples of Canada, 1 palm tree “range” of Asia (would resist - 15 ° C)
2nd Tamaris and Marronnier, Sureaux, Charmilles, Lauriers: 1 pink and 1 sauce, 1 Quince tree of Japan,
1 Treillised vineyard, 3 Brooms, 300 meters approx. of Lorraine Hedges of Privets & Thujas,
1 Pyracantha, of the Shrubs…

Vu panoramique du pré ouest

West Pre : panoramic sight

6/.- «FLOWERS» :

- Rose trees - including 1 out of rib stall, another climbing; tulips, thoughts, iris, hyacinths, narcisses…

a) Fields : violets, daisies multicoloured, mauve, crocus, cornflowers, buttons of gold, dandelions yellow…

b) in pots : dwarf geraniums, jasmine, aloes…

c) Trees which flower : tamaris, mirabelle plum trees, chestnut trees, brooms, the prunus, the glycine, the dwarf magniolia, the dwarf willow, the pink bay-tree, the quince tree of Japan and a shrub of the Pre North - a happiness of Environment :-)

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