A Property for Sale
in Drome South France

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Welcome in Drome, France. A preserved healthy nature!

We built this www.housefrance.net web site to bring to you the most direct way to buying a French property in Drome, in the Rhone Valley, France …

This house that we invite you to discover by clicking on this link, is in the best place of the Rhone-Alps Area: the 2nd economic and cultural Area of France.

Here you have more than 200 days of sun during the year! The area is considered for Fruit-bearing and viticultural, with the doors of PROVENCE where Lavande, Thym, Romarin flower and well of others grow at will …

house with its central alley and the swimming pool

Sky view of the house with its central alley raised
and the swimming pool behind the building.


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выберите язык пожалуйста - உங்கள் மொழியை தெரிவுசெய்யவும் - يرجى اختيار غتكم
