A Property for Sale
in Drome South France

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Welcome... a preserved healthy nature! The site www.housefrance.net presents our property to be sold in the department of Drôme, in the Valley of the Rhone River

We invite you to discover it while clicking on this bond. It is located in the heart of the Rhone-Alps region: the 2nd economic and cultural area of France. It is said that there is 200 days of sunny days per annum ! Renowned fruit and wine producing region where Lavender , Thyme, Rosemary and many others bloom in an area considered the doors of PROVENCE.

Air sight of the house with its central alley raised and the swimming pool at the bottom behind the building. Its geographical situation: The property is nestling in a bosky bower, in the heart of the Rhone-Alps Area: the 2nd economic and cultural Area of France …

house with its central alley and the swimming pool

Sky view of the house with its central alley raised
and the swimming pool behind the building.


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выберите язык пожалуйста - உங்கள் மொழியை தெரிவுசெய்யவும் - يرجى اختيار غتكم
